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Love My Neugroove

Removing Negativity

Garbage In = Garbage Out

by Keith Ruffner November 18, 2020 4 min read

There has been a lot of discussion on the responsibility of social media platforms to take responsibility for the content posted by their users.  The Constitution provides some regulation on free speech and there are limits, but is it the responsibility of the social media platform to act as the free speech police?  Should a social media platform allow users to post anything, regardless of the content?


What if the users were to accept the responsibility for what they post AND for what they read?
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Stop being a Sheep

Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should

by Keith Ruffner September 24, 2020 5 min read

Do you live your life based on the doctrine of “I have the right, so I should,” or do you live a more thoughtful life by considering how your actions affect others? 

What does it really mean to have the “right” to do something and who decides what our “rights” are within our societal group?  Are we given greater rights if we share the same gender, ethnicity, level of education, economic class, and ideas as those who determine our rights?
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when there is no path

The Past No Longer Exists, And The Future Is Not Yet Here

by Keith Ruffner August 13, 2020 4 min read

Life is uncertain and there is an impermanence to everything.  There is an impermanence to a river, as it can only be crossed one time before it changes.  As the water flows, the river is ever-changing, and each crossing is through new water – there is no permanence to the river.
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Ethics, Morals, and Values - What is the Difference?

Ethics, Morals, and Values - What is the Difference?

by Keith Ruffner July 17, 2020 6 min read

Are morals, values, and ethics essentially the same with the defining factor being subjective to the person in question?  Do the standards and principles that a person uses to determine their own behavior depend on the situation?  Does our need for self-preservation override our morals, values, and ethics so we justify our behavior to align with what we think is acceptable to our peer groups?
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When you struggle, tell yourself...

When you struggle, tell yourself...

by Beth Wuller June 17, 2020 2 min read

More than ever, the world needs an abundance of our positive energy. This collection of gentle reminders was created during the 2020 Gross Global Happiness Summit in Costa Rica. Our goal was to keep our inner dialogues positive and practice greater self-love.

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Your Time, Your Priorities, Your Choice

Your Time, Your Priorities, Your Choice

by Beth Wuller May 05, 2020 3 min read 2 Comments

When was the last time someone said to you, “So much has happened, I just didn’t have time to get to that yet...”? No matter what the actual time delay, they are sending you a clear message about their priorities, personal time management and generally how they approach life.

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Feelings and Emotions - Do I Have A Blown Fuse?

Feelings and Emotions - Do I Have A Blown Fuse?

by Keith Ruffner March 30, 2020 4 min read

I confess…. I didn’t exactly think of three things to explore about myself in the next 12 months like I had intended on the International Day of Happiness.  I had one reoccurring thought on feelings and emotions and if there is anything at the top of a list for my own self-improvement it would be improving upon my ability to express feelings and emotions with words.  What if feelings are being impacted by the potential response of others? 

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International Day of Happiness - My Neugroove Resolution

International Day of Happiness - My Neugroove Resolution

by Keith Ruffner March 20, 2020 5 min read

It’s hard for me to understand advice such as “just be happier.”  That’s good advice, but how?  Where can I get some?  Can I put a little in a box and save it for later? 

I’ve made a few changes recently and I definitely feel happier.  Some of the changes were difficult and scary, but I felt they were necessary.  I made a choice to actively work on my mental health, much like I did to improve my physical health.

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Standing in Line - Accidental Social Interaction

Standing in Line - Accidental Social Interaction

by Keith Ruffner March 05, 2020 2 min read 1 Comment

I did a little research about my introversion justification to avoid social interaction. According to the science, the more social interaction a person avoids, the less happy they are. More social interaction, even with strangers, leads to happier people. I've got a lot to work on...

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Peace. Love. Neugroove.

About Happiness

by Beth Wuller March 02, 2020 3 min read

My life changed when I learned something new 25 years ago. It was super hard to hear then, because I was still frequently staring down depression from under the covers. And had been, for 10 years leading up to that life-changing conversation.

This life-long evolution is why I started Neugroove. To celebrate new ways of being, thinking, and living. 

So what does happiness mean to you, today? Today, this is what “be happy” means to me...

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Keith on Renewable Resources

Keith on Renewable Resources

by Keith Ruffner March 02, 2020 2 min read

Is happiness a non-renewable resource?  If something great happens to a friend, does that take away from some limited potential happiness that you might receive?  Probably not.  What if something great happens to a person that you don’t know, or a person you don’t think is deserving?  Does that take away from the happiness available to everyone else. No, of course not.

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What's Your Neugroove for 2020?

What's Your Neugroove for 2020?

by Beth Wuller February 22, 2020 2 min read

Lucky us, our shared adventure starts in Costa Rica, March 6-8! Yep, in just 2 weeks, I am leading a workshop at the Gross Global Happiness Summit, an Executive event at the University for Peace in San Jose! "UPEACE" is an institution established by the General Assembly of the United Nations...

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