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When you struggle, tell yourself...

June 17, 2020 2 min read

When you struggle, tell yourself...

Your inner dialogue can lead to inner peace or inner chaos, no matter what happens around you.

The list below was created on post-it notes during a workshop at the 2020 Gross Global Happiness Summit at the University of Peace in Costa Rica (just before the COVID shutdown). Our goal was to keep our inner dialogues positive and practice greater self-love.

“When you are struggling, tell yourself...”

  1. You are still amazing
  2. Keep going
  3. Listen to your body
  4. I forgive myself for my mistake
  5. Don’t be hard on yourself, you are doing what you can and that’s what matters
  6. I am the best
  7. Your smile illuminates my day.. every day!
  8. You’ll do much better next time :)
  9. I trust myself
  10. If they can do it, I can do it
  11. There are no “ups” without “downs”
  12. This will pass
  13. You are so brave!
  14. You inspire me!
  15. You really tried your best
  16. You’ll be fine
  17. I’m sorry
  18. Congrats, you gave it a try!
  19. Super Star
  20. You are loved no matter what
  21. You can do this
  22. Everything is possible
  23. Every day is an opportunity to be a better version of you!
  24. Keep shining!
  25. You are always amazing
  26. I see the light in you with so much promise!
  27. You deserve great things
  28. You can do this
  29. You have prepared for this, and it’s natural and okay for mistakes to happen
  30. You matter
  31. Enjoy the journey!
  32. I will learn to be better from this
  33. You are enough
  34. Self Compassion
  35. That was brilliant!
  36. You are more than enough!
  37. That was amazing
  38. Chill
  39. Great!
  40. Learn from this experience
  41. You needed to do that for yourself
  42. You always manage to find a solution!
  43. You are important
  44. You are valuable
  45. You are loved!
  46. You are ok
  47. You are a creative, adaptive problem solver!
  48. I will create solutions!
  49. You are so brave
  50. This too shall pass
  51. Don’t give up
  52. It’s ok to make mistakes
  53. I want to learn from you!
  54. This is a learning experience. It doesn’t have to be perfect.
  55. You are worthy
  56. Nothing can beat you
  57. I recognize that I am better than this
  58. It’s ok.
  59. Many people love you
  60. Keep going!
  61. “Worthy now, not if, not when. We’re worthy of love and belonging now. Right this minute. As is.” – Brene Brown
  62. The 3 P’s: Patience, Persistence, Practice
More than ever, the world needs an abundance of our positive energy. Please enjoy and share this list to inspire self-compassion and spread love.

For a 1-page printable copy, send your request by email to
A Gift for You from Neugroove & Neugroove Coaching
(C)  2020 Neugroove LLC

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